Toronto Zoo Distance Learning

The Toronto Zoo is currently testing its Distance Learning Pilot Program in an effort to determine if there is a need for internet based video conferencing programming in grades K-12. The programs provided in this pilot test incorporate multiple biological and environmental concepts all which correlate with grade specific curriculum standards.  During the duration of this testing period all distance learning programs will be provided free of charge provided that the academic institution has the proper video conferencing equipment on hand.  Attached to this post is a short survey inquiring about your schools current use of video conferencing technology as an educational aid, as well as the desire or need for programs such as ours to be added to your curriculum.  Please email any questions, comments, and completed surveys to sansaldi at  Your help in determining the need for programming such as this is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration!

Also attached are some brief descriptions of the program topics being offered, but the experts at the Toronto Zoo are available to create customized programming based on your curriculum needs as well.  The expertise of the Toronto Zoo Education Department revolves around the inner workings of ecology and environmental education at a K-8 grade level.  If it is found in nature, they can find a way teach about it.  Login or Register with the Digital Human Library and book your virtual visit with the Toronto Zoo today!

Distance Learning Pilot Program Duration:

November 1st, 2012 – December 21st, 2012

Monday – Friday  (All programs must be booked two weeks in advance)

Toronto Zoo Program Summary

Toronto Zoo Video Conference Survey_ 2012

Leigh Cassell
Elementary Teacher, AMDSB
Founder of the Digital Human Library

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