10 Ways to Educate Your Students Outside the Classroom


Kids don’t always need a traditional classroom to learn. And as you’ve seen here, the Digital Human Library offers your students an alternative means of engaging with the curriculum by bringing the field trip experience into your classrooms. Today I am going to share opportunities for learning that occur outside of the classroom. Here are 10 different field trips you can take with your students:

1. The Library

Recognize the value of the library, which houses a wealth of information. It has books on everything from science to technology to animals to anything else you may be interested in. Also, librarians will answer questions and offer insights on subjects that might pique a child’s interest.

2. The Zoo

Allow kids to observe animals at the zoo. Although reading about animals is important, observing them sleeping, eating and walking gives a real sense to how they live. Watching them in real life can promote a discussion with your kids, which can lead to more learning. The zoo also provides information about extinction, habitats and other information about the animals. Plus, it can be like you’re traveling the world when you’re walking around the zoo.

3. Hiking

This is one of my favourites! Learn about nature by hiking. This activity allows kids to question and discuss what they see on their path. Questions about plants and rocks may generate a fun discussion on science.

4. The Playhouse and Musicals

Create a love of the arts by watching a musical. If you can, take a trip to your local community playhouse to see a production. Visiting local theaters offers your kids a chance to observe artists up close. They also can learn about costumes, makeup, acting, directing and music.

5. A Nursery

Walking through a plant nursery will spark conversations on climate, growth and species of plants. Many nurseries also offer a behind-the-scenes tour on what it takes to make plants grow. Kids can feel the soil, touch seeds and even take home a kit to grow plants at home.

6. The Park

The park is a fun place for kids to interact with each other. It teaches them how to socialize with kids they both do and don’t know as well as how to develop interpersonal skills by learning how to take turns and how to share.

7. The Planetarium

Sometimes the night sky doesn’t illuminate enough for kids to see the stars, so instead, teach them about space exploration at the planetarium. They can learn about constellations, facts about space and even look through a telescope.

8. Technology

Kids can discover different countries, learn a new language, play music and do a myriad of other things on a computer or tablet. Through technology, kids have the freedom to explore many topics or delve deeply into a subject they are passionate about.

9. The Bank

Understand finances by visiting a bank. Kids can learn how to count money, make withdrawals and deposits and balance a cheque-book. This trip also can lead to a discussion about how to spend and handle money wisely.

10. The Grocery Store

You can teach your kids about nutrition at the grocery store. A trip to the grocery store will provide many opportunities for children to learn about food groups and making healthy choices. You can teach children the importance of diet by identifying foods that will help keep them healthy.

I encourage you to visit these practical and accessible places to help reinforce lessons learned in school. An interactive experience is an excellent way to spark a child’s love of learning outside the classroom. And if experiencing the real thing isn’t possible, be sure to check out the hundreds of meBook experts available for loan here, and bring the field trip experience into your classroom!

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