Welcome to the dHL ‘Tips for Experts’ page!
dHL Experts connect with students to support learning in classrooms regionally, provincially, across Canada and in some cases around the world. dHL Experts are people like you—people who want to make a difference in the lives of students. Registering for Digital Human Library is free, and involves creating a profile which is then searchable by teachers who are also registered with the library. The amount of time you commit to working with students is entirely up to you. Digital Human Library welcomes a variety of contributions from content partners (experts) around the world.
Read our Expert Invitation here.
Learn more about your role as a dHL Expert by visiting our FAQs page.
Student Safety
Experts are not permitted to film or record video conferences with students unless they have obtained written permission ahead of time from the classroom teacher. If you have any questions about our policy which is further outlined in our Terms of Use please contact us.
Let the Collaboration Begin
Teachers will search Digital Human Library for Experts (you!) like they would search for books in a library. Once a teacher has found the right Expert, s/he will contact you using email, our booking form, or as indicated in your profile. Teachers have been asked to include the following information in their introductory emails:
- name
- school, grade taught, and number of students in the class
- curriculum subject area
- program request and learning goals (What they want their students to learn from you)
- format for the video conferencing program (Career Talk, Educational Program, Inquiry Support/ Q&A, Mentorship)
- date and time for the program
Teachers understand that many dHL Experts are volunteering their time to connect with students, and they realize that Experts may not always be available. Teachers know that it is their responsibility to help prepare you for the distance learning program. The BIG idea is not only to connect teachers and students with the right experts, but to make these video conferencing programs as engaging and interactive as possible. Please refer to the dHL Expert Checklist to help you get started!
Ways to Engage Students
This may be understood, but the more you can engage students (your audience) the better. Here are some suggestions you can discuss with the classroom teacher to make your video conferencing program as engaging as possible. See Ways to Engage Students.
dHL Expert Introductions
It is the teacher’s responsibility to prepare a brief introduction for you. Some dHL Experts may prefer to provide teachers with an introduction they have written themselves, but it is not necessary. Every introduction has three goals: get attention, spark interest, and build anticipation. It is helpful if you provide some information about yourself and your topic to teachers so you can be properly introduced. See dHL Expert Introductions for more information.
Guest Speaking Tips for dHL Experts
In this section you will find a few more tips about how to make the most of your dHL video conferencing program. dHL Expert Guest Speaking Tips coming soon!
dHL Expert Sample Videos
These videos showcase samples of programs being offered by Digital Human Library Experts. If you are an dHL Expert (content provider) and would like to share a video highlighting one of your programs being delivered in schools please contact us.
Request your dHL Expert Badge
Request your dHL Expert Badge and post it on your website or blog! Help spread the word to bring even more connections-based learning opportunities to kids across Canada.

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