OnEdMentors is Now Open for Mentees!

Are you looking for opportunities to self-direct your own professional learning opportunities?

Are you interested in connecting with other educators to help you learn and grow personally and professionally?

Do you believe that building relationships is foundational for learning?

… then we want you to join our OnEdMentors Connect community!


OnEdMentors Connect (OEMConnect) began in 2018 as a collaborative inquiry into the impact of a 1:1 self-directed mentorship experience on professional learning and student achievement. Through a phased approach, supported by a team of critical friends, and a committed group of close to 50 Mentors and Mentees, we created…

OEMConnect – a community that supports 1:1 self-directed mentorship experiences as professional learning to strengthen teacher efficacy and impact student achievement.

Our goal remains fostering responsive, reciprocal and non-hierarchical relationships between Mentors and Mentees and within the community at large.

And now OnEdMentors Connect (OEMConnect) is open to Mentees interested in connecting with our passionate community of Mentors.


Mentees are passionate educators who have identified a learning need and would like to connect with a Mentor. Mentees are interested in learning and teaching with others for professional and personal growth.

What You Get

Mentees get the opportunity to:

  • build a relationship with a new learning partner
  • share knowledge and experiences in ways that will contribute to another educator’s personal and professional growth
  • learn from, and with your Mentor
  • find inspiration and support

What You Give

Mentees who register with OEMConnect are interested in connecting with potential Mentors for the purpose of learning. When a mutually agreeable connection is made, Mentees give their time to learn with their chosen Mentor.


We have officially launched Phase 3 of our collaborative inquiry with a community of 60+ dedicated Mentors available to support preservice, new and seasoned educators.

Curious to Meet the Mentors? Check out our incredible team of 60+ Mentors actively supporting Mentees within the OEMConnect Community.


OEMConnect is a community you can find and access at Digital Human Library.  For detailed information about the community and how you can get involved, please visit the OEMConnect Community page on the dHL website.


The success of our community is dependent upon people like you sharing this unique professional learning opportunity with your friends, colleagues and professional learning community.

We hope will consider joining this incredible community of educators committed to helping you grow professionally and personally.

Registration is now open for Mentees! Join us…


Contact me!

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