Fall Programs Offered by the TWA

The Texas Wildlife Association promotes educational research, and informational activities in support of wildlife, habitat, the environment and conservation. The free activities and distance learning programs focus on science curriculum for K-12 students. This month check out programs that fit perfectly with a fall theme and Halloween! To register for a free program, visit the Connect2Texas website!

Animal Encounters: Creepy Critters

Unfortunately for our guests, their creepy appearance strikes fear in most people, even though they know little about them, and in some cases have never encountered them. Our visitors are quite an eclectic bunch, from those with no limbs, to others with four, six, or even eight! Join us as we take an up-close look at these critters and discuss how they fit into the food chain, as well as their habitats, adaptations, and the structures that bring fear to many.

Animal Encounters: Hawk Talk

Birds of prey, also known as raptors, are a common sight in the skies. During the program, we will take an up-close look at a live Red-Tailed Hawk to discuss the important body structures and their functions. We will investigate the hawk’s diet, their role in the food web, the habitats in which they are found, and the adaptations that allow them to be such powerful predators.

ASI: Animal Skull Investigation

This interactive presentation allows students the opportunity to investigate skulls of native Texas animals. Unique adaptations will be discussed and students will be asked to identify common structures of animal skulls and then determine their function(s). During the investigations, students will discover the feeding habits, survival adaptations, and finally the identity of our mystery specimens.


This interactive program provides students the opportunity to investigate the relationship between the anatomy and the ecology, including the dietary habits, of different species of bats. This is an experience you will not want to miss. LIVE bats take part in the program! We will look at their unique body structures and their functions that allow bats to fly, identify other special adaptations, as well as discuss their basic needs and diverse habitats. We will also discuss ways you can help these beneficial creatures and conserve their habitats.

Let’s Talk Turkey (American Thanksgiving)

This interactive presentation introduces students to fun facts about one of our state’s most fabulous birds: THE WILD TURKEY! We will discuss turkey anatomy, habitat, adaptations, and basic needs, as well as the various « calls » or vocalizations that turkeys use to communicate in their environment. Students will listen to an assortment of calls and have the opportunity to take an up-close look at a real Wild Turkey.

The Magic of Monarchs

For such a delicate insect, the Monarch butterfly leads an adventurous life! During spring and fall, millions of Monarchs will travel through Texas on their way to or from their overwintering sites in Mexico. Live caterpillars and adult Monarchs will be on hand during the program, allowing your students to see them up close and in detail. Join us as we discuss the basic needs, life cycle, adaptations, and migration patterns of the Monarch butterfly and learn how you can help conserve this unique creature.

More Than a Drop

This interactive presentation opens students’ eyes to the various facets of water in the environment, from raindrops to aquifers. Students will be challenged to think about where water comes from, how it got there, where it ends up, and how it is being used. Students will have the opportunity to take part in a hands-on, comparative demonstration along with the presenter, to help them better understand water usage and to learn how to conserve this natural resource.


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