Digital Human Library Virtual Tours & VR Lesson Ideas – November 2022

As you continue to explore what Digital Human Library has to offer, don’t forget to check out our Getting Started with dHL page for ideas about how to integrate dHL into your classroom program!

This month we are featuring virtual field trips from our Virtual Tours & Virtual Reality library. The poster features two Virtual Tours/ VR experiences and lesson ideas, along with links to our website to help you get started.

We are also excited to announce the start of a new year with the Kids’ Guide to Canada Project. The linked poster provides a brief overview of our Social Innovation Project, along with information and a link to our website to learn more.

If you have any questions at any time please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Thank you for joining us on our mission to bring people together in service of youth and learning.

Happy Connecting,

The Team at Digital Human Library

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