Join us and help bring people together to make a difference for kids.

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Join us and help bring people together to make a difference for kids.
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"We always talk about how we need to make the world better for our kids. We also need to make the kids better for our world" ~Martin Molata @dHL_edu #Learn2Connect #Connect2Learn #k12 #edu #cdnedchat #edtechBC #ABed #MBedu #SaskEd #onted #NBed #NSed #NLED #peischools #NWTed
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@dHL_edu is Canada’s premier digital #experiential learning library connecting #k12 Ts & Ss w/ experts & organizations around the world for #edu programs via #VideoConference #Livestream #VT & #VR Join Us! #cdnedchat #BCed #ABed #MBedu #skEd #onted #NSed #NBed #EduPEI #NWTed
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Connections-based learning is about supporting Ss so they experience the curriculum through a series of meaningful relationships, further strengthening relationships within and between our communities #edu #cdnedchat #edtechBC #ABed #onted #NLED
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Streamable Learning is Live Learning Canada’s platform provider. We believe that we can create a new and improved role for live streaming in education by delivering unique subject matter expertise in a more accessible and meaningful educational experience for K-12 learners.
Last week from DigitalHumanLibrary's Twitter via Buffer
The Royal Botanical Gardens, The Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, the Royal BC Museum, The Digital Human Library, Streamable Learning and Central Okanagan Public Schools are in partnership in delivering interactive educational programming across Canada.
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