Connect2Texas Program Offerings 2014-2015

C2TXlogoConnect2Texas is a network of Texas-based educational content providers including museums, cultural, historical, and scientific organizations, and authors. These providers utilize interactive videoconferencing to connect to schools and deliver live educational programs and professional development to school children and educators around Texas, throughout the US, and now in Ontario, Canada. The content providers belonging to the Connect2Texas network offer set scheduled programs, as well as customized programs for teachers and students. Bring the scientists, experts, and authors directly to your students without ever leaving the classroom!

Each content provider on the Connect2Texas website includes information about how their programs align with the TEKS – Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills – the state standards for what students should know and be able to do. You will notice that the TEKS are very similar to the Ontario Curriculum Expectations here in Ontario. Remember when booking a program to account for the time difference!

The programs listed below are only a few samples of the many FREE programs offered by each content provider. All content providers offer a variety of programs for different age groups, and programs that are fee based are very reasonable. To view complete program listings and schedules, or to register for a program please visit the Connect2Texas website.  

In the News: Medicine and Mentoring with Dr. Robert McClelland, A Surgeon – FREE

Dr. Robert McClelland was a resident and instructor in surgery at Parkland Hospital in 1963 and served on the team of physicians who treated President John F. Kennedy, Texas Governor John Connelly and suspect Lee Harvey Oswald. This program is only offered on Friday 14 November 2014 at 10 am! The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza is proud to partner with The World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth on an international videoconference series. Special guests with expertise in journalism, art, filmmaking, law enforcement and medicine will share their knowledge and experience with students in Dallas and around the world. All sessions will be FREE! We will have a few interactive sites and the majority will be view-only.

Reporting History with Pierce Allman – FREE

Pierce Allman is a career journalist, working as WFAA-Radio’s program director in 1963 covering President Kennedy’s visit to Dallas. He was one of the first reporters inside the Texas School Book Depository after shots were fired at the Kennedy motorcade. This program is only offered on Wednesday 8 April 2015 at 10 am! The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza is proud to partner with The World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth on an international video-conference series. Special guests with expertise in journalism, art, film-making, law enforcement and medicine will share their knowledge and experience with students in Dallas and around the world. All sessions will be FREE! We will have a few interactive sites and the majority will be view-only.

Stories of the Secret Service with Special Agent Buck Revell – FREE

Buck Revell is a former FBI agent who, as Special Agent in Charge of the bureau’s Dallas Division, supervised the release of the Dallas FBI office’s Kennedy assassination files in the early 1990’s. This program is only offered on Wednesday 22 October 2014 at 10 am! The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza is proud to partner with The World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth on an international video-conference series. Special guests with expertise in journalism, art, film-making, law enforcement and medicine will share their knowledge and experience with students in Dallas and around the world. All sessions will be FREE! We will have a few interactive sites and the majority will be view-only.

Animal Encounters: Bats-a-Billion – FREE

Formerly BATS: LIVE on the BIG screen! This interactive presentation provides students the opportunity to investigate the relationship between the anatomy and the ecology, including the dietary habits, of different species of bats. An experience you will not want to miss. LIVE bats take part in this program! We will look at the unique structures and functions that allow them to fly, identify other special adaptations, as well discuss as their basic needs and diverse habitats. We will also discuss ways you can help conserve these beneficial creatures.

Great Peacemakers with Artist and Journalist Karen Blessen – FREE

Karen Blessen is a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, illustrator and founder of 29 Pieces, an art organization that mounted the largest public art project in Dallas’ history as a tribute to President John F. Kennedy. She illustrated the children’s book, Peace One Day, about the creation of World Peace Day. This program is only offered on Wednesday 17 September 2014 at 10 am! The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza is proud to partner with The World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth on an international video-conference series. Special guests with expertise in journalism, art, film-making, law enforcement and medicine will share their knowledge and experience with students in Dallas and around the world. All sessions will be FREE! We will have a few interactive sites and the majority will be view-only.

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