FEATURED SHOW 12/12, 1:15pm “December FUN Show” (preK-6) A grab bag of favorite songs and stories, strictly for fun, with a few holiday classics (non-denominational) thrown in for good measure. Limit twelve schools. $95, Reserve! 12/02, 10am “Westward Expansion and the Gold Rush” (K-6) A musical trip from the eastern seaboard to the Oregon Trail….
Blogging as Digital Portfolios: Improving Student Outcomes in the Areas of 4C’s and a P
Thank you to Steve Howe and our Communications department for creating an overview of our AMDSB Technology Learning Community project work and the processes we follow to improve student learning and further our own professional development in the AMDSB. Blogging as Digital Portfolios: Improving Student Outcomes in the Areas of 4C's and a P from….
Moving Beyond Apps: Blogs as Digital Portfolios in the Primary Classroom
In addition to presenting the Digital Human Library at ECOO, my colleague Jenn Regier and I also presented some project work we are leading in our Board with 20 other AMDSB K-6 teachers. This year our work has been extended by funding from the Ontario Ministry of Education in the form of a TLLP grant. Our….