This post marks my entry point into the world of the New Literacies. Over the summer I began reading about the New Literacies online (sometimes referred to as the Now Literacies), and I have decided to document my new learning through a series of blog posts about this emerging topic. Whenever I start learning something new, I….
Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants: October Schedule of Events
October Is Here, Let’s Get Exploring!!! A message from EBTSOYP . . . September was an amazing month, with classrooms all across North America Exploring by the Seat of Their Pants! Thousands of students connected with guest speakers and virtual field trips from 9 different countries. Some classrooms joined in on screen, others watched the live….
CGE October Program Listings 2015
The Centre for Global Education is proud to be offering, with their partner organizations, the following video conferences in Sept/October. For more information, please contact or visit their website, Each conference is limited to six schools, and filled on a first come, first served basis, with priority participation is given to CGE/TAG member schools. For the complete listing of October….