The Centre for Global Education is proud to be offering, with their partner organizations, the following video conferences in November. For more information, please contact or visit their website, Each conference is limited to six schools, and filled on a first come, first served basis, with priority participation is given to CGE/TAG member schools. For the complete listing of 2015/16….
Google for Education Apps, Tips, and Ideas for Your Classroom!
The following is a collection of my favourite tidbits from the last few Google for Education Newsletters. Enjoy! Flubaroo update- The popular Add-on for grading just got an update in time for fall. A newly added feature lets you assign any score you like to open-ended questions. Read more. Edsurge Summer Coding Guide- Check out this….
Global Education Conference
Global Collaboration Day, held on September 17th, 2015 was an HUGE success. Approximately 325 schools and organizations and 36 outreach partners from 51 different countries participated in 149 collaborative online events. Many projects were categorized as requiring asynchronous participation, so you may find a few are still running. Save September 15, 2016, as the official….