We want to put ourselves out of business. We started our education program 4 years ago with a small grant, one part-time educator, and the belief that we needed to engage youth in discussions about healthy relationships, dating violence, gender stereotypes, and healthy masculinity in order to stop the cycle of violence. Now, having reached over 12,000 students in grades….
Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants December Programs
Here Comes December! Catch up on the last of our November Google Hangouts and get a sneak peek at some exciting December Hangouts! The EBTSOYP Community is Growing! As of this month, EBTSOYP has reached 500 classrooms participating in Google Hangouts, whether it be on screen, watching live feeds or viewing hangouts on their YouTube page. Feel….
CGE November/December Video Conferences: Liberalism, LIVE from the UN Climate Conference, Human Rights Day and More!
The Centre for Global Education is proud to be offering, with their partner organizations, the following video conferences in November and December. For more information, please contact info@tcge.ca or visit their website, www.tcge.ca. Each conference is limited to six schools, and filled on a first come, first served basis, with priority participation is given to CGE/TAG member schools. For the complete listing….