My Grade 8 class at UTES recently participated in two Digital Human Library presentations using Skype. During the month of October and November our class worked on a ‘Land Use’ project for Geography. In order to gain a ‘real life’ perspective of land use we contacted Phil Dawes (a land use planner in Brockville, Ontario)….
Siobhna Cox, AMDSB
I used the dHL with my kindergarten health class. The technology we chose to use was a digital projector, iPad, and Skype to talk to an expert on dog safety in California. The presenter and I worked together before hand to make sure the session was age appropriate and interactive. She guided us through a….
Spencer Avenue Elementary School, UGDSB
I was engaged the moment I read, “Digital Human Library”, on the cover of the Fall 2014 issue of ETFO’s Voice magazine. After devouring the article written by Leigh Cassell, it was clear that I would be pursuing videoconferencing as a way of bringing experts into our brand new school library. The timing couldn’t have….