This week my grade 2 class video conferenced with kids living in Kenya, Africa to learn more about different communities around the world. My students have each picked a country they would like to learn more about and I have arranged video conferences with schools in each of these countries to teach us about their….
Black History Month Speaker and Children’s Author Joel Assogba
On Monday February 24th Passages to Canada Speaker Joel Assogba video conferenced with my grade 2 class at Stephen Central PS to tell his story of coming to Canada and talk about Black History. Passages Canada is a FREE service offered year round to schools and community groups of all ages. A storytelling initiative of Historica Canada, Passages Canada….
Free Nature Video Conferencing Programs
The Bateman Foundation, in partnership with the Canadian Wildlife Federation and Parks Canada are offering a variety of free nature video conferencing programs until March 28th, 2014. The presentations for the video-conference will be done within an hour, however due to questions it may take a little longer. There are activities for the students to….