Only a Few Spots Left! Register Now for a Free Distance Learning Program with Texas Wildlife Assocation

Spark your student’s interest with one of Texas Wildlife Association’s (TWA) Distance Learning programs available as On-demand Webinars and via Videoconferencing. Creepy Critters will get your students in the spooky spirit just in time for Halloween.  On Thursday, October 29th, students will learn about our creepy guest stars and their importance within the food chain.  You must register….

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Classroom Collaboration Project Opportunity with DeforestACTION

T​akingITGlobal​ and ​The Centre for Global Education​ are inviting your class to participate in one of the world’s largest student driven environmental campaigns: ​DeforestACTION​! DeforestACTION is a global movement of youth and schools taking action to stop deforestation and create a permanent habitat for orangutans and other species who depend on forest ecosystems. Through collaborative….

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